Special Meeting of WNESU Thursday, July 25, 2024

1. Call to order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Old/New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Appointment Title I Math – Reiser
6. Adjournment

Meeting of the Westminster Selectboard: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

1. Call to Order
2. Adjustments to Agenda *
3. Acceptance of Minutes: July 9, 2024 (regular) *
July 16, 2024 (special) *
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Unfinished Business (Discussion/Action) *
A. Personnel Policy revision *
6. New Business (Discussion/Action) *
A. Route 121 paving project *
B. Potential shared purchase of electric Bomag roller *
C. Dry well situation behind Town Hall *
D. Speeding Countermeasures *
E. Cemetery Deed *
F. Town Manager’s Report
G. Road Foreman’s Report
H. Executive Session (If Needed) *
7. Boards, Committees and Commissions *
8. Other Business: *
9. Executive Session *
10. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday, August 13, 2024
11. Adjournment
(* = Items involving potential Selectboard action)
Anyone wishing to address the Board on a specific matter is encouraged to make an
appointment to appear on the agenda with either the Selectboard Chairperson or the
Town Manager no later than the Wednesday preceding each meeting.
This meeting was posted in accordance with the VT Open Meeting Law on Thursday
July 18, 2024 @ 12:00pm

School Board – Windham Northeast Supervisory Union: July 17th, 2024

1. Call to order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Review and approve minutes from May 15, 2024 (Action needed)
6. Reports (informational, no action)
a. Director of Finance
b. Finance Committee
c. Superintendent – Quarterly Report
7. Old Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Superintendent’s Evaluation
8. New Business for Discussion/Action: (executive session)
a. Appointment/Resignations
1. Appointment Speech Language Pathologist – Lamb
2. Appointment 5th Grade Special Educator – Schneider
b. Summer Transportation Request (action needed)
c. VSBA Representation
d. School Board Chair’s Committee
e. Commission on Future of Education in Vermont
8. Director’s Comments:
9. Date and time of next meeting:
10. Adjournment


1. Presentation (HCRS and Police Social worker)2. Review Water Tank Project and proposed additional tank expenditures
3. Review and Update Banner Policy a) Banner request BFDDA (Farmers Market)b) Banner request BF Pride c) Banner request BF Firefighter’s Association (Fire Prevention Week) d) Banner request BFDDA (July 4th celebration 2025)
4. Ordinance Review (Chapter VI Offenses Against Persons and Property)
5. ARPA Update
Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting – August 20, 2024
Review Agenda Items Joint Board Meeting – September 24, 2024
Review & Approve Orders, Bills & Warrants
Other Business
Executive Session – (requested)

Special SelectBoard Meeting - Town of Brookline VT, Jul 10, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introduction
6:31 2. Review / Approve Draft minutes
A. Regular meeting on July 2, 2024 minutes
6:35 3. Changes to the agenda if any
6:40 4. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled members – none at this time
B. Unscheduled members – 2 minutes on Agenda items only
6:45 5. Unfinished business
ACTION = Motion / Seconded / Discussion / Vote or table motion
A. ACTION – Establish Tax Rate for 2024-2025 as presented by
Treasurer To be emailed when available to SB members before meeting.
B. ACTION – Tabled from July 2, 2024 meeting
Select Engineering Company to design scope of work for culvert
on Ellen Ware Road and the Culvert #11 on Hill Road
C. ACTION – Animal Control Contract with the Windham County
Sheriff Department – emailed to SB members
D. Discussion to prepare for BMH meeting in August re: roles/responsibilities
of SB and Advisory committee members and current status of projects
(painting/rot repair/sealing) including when to expect mold/mildew
analysis report from Peter Yost.
7:15 6. New Business
7:20 7. Reports / Updates
A. Any discussion as requested by a selectbord member not requiring a vote
7:25 8. Communication
A. Regular Mail
B Email
7:30 9. Set Agenda for next meeting on July 17, 2024
A. FEMA Update – meeting held July 8th
B. Office Use Policy – related to Newfane Town Hall incident
C. FacTV services review
D. Temporary Flood Plain Manager discussion
E. Planning Commission members
F. Hazard Mitigation Draft w/ WRC
G. Recycling area game cameras
H. The initial cost estimate discussion to put Ellen Ware Road into
full time use.
I. Highway Supervisor Cell phone / signal booster discussion
J. Increasing Municipal Capacity for Grants using VLCT’s
Federal Funding Assistance Program.
K. Member of the public : Carolyn Mayo-Brown of Putney
RE: Trail Marker request near Bennett Rd. near Holland Hill to the
Conte Wildlife Area.
7:40 10. Adjourn the meeting


1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items ratified at a later meeting)
3. Public comment
4. Treasurer’s quarterly report
5. Set tax rate
6. Tax sale of local property
7. Welcome signs for Saxtons River
8. Sale of Rescue truck chassis
9. Triton Report10. ARPA update
11. Open meeting notice
12. Saxtons River group updates• Rec Area• MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)• Fire station• Waste Water Treatment Plant• 37 Main1
3. Approve minutes of June 3, 2024
14. Approve warrant of July 1, 2024
15. Other business
16. Next meeting dates and items: August 5, propose September date1
7. Adjourn

Grafton Select Board Regular Meeting: July 1, 2024

1. Call to order
2. Adopt Agenda
3. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting – June 17, 2024
4. Dog Incident in Village
5. Townshend Road Traffic Study
6. Highway Report
• Other
7. Clerk/Treasurer
• Waive Homestead Late Penalty Fee
• Set Tax Rate
• Other
8. Committee reports
• Cemetery committee: Fence Repair at Village Cemetery
• Personnel committee:
• Wastewater committee:
• July 2023 Flood Update:
9. James Plumbing & Heating FY 2024-2025 Contract
10. Fire Escape Engineering Proposal
11. Worker’s Compensation
12. Other Business
13. Public Comment
14. Next Regular Meeting – Monday, July 15, 2024, at 6:00 PM
15. Adjourn