1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items ratified at a later meeting)
3. Clerk substitute for Board minutes
4. Public comment
5. Recreation Area ARPA obligations, playground equipment decision
6. Sewer property question
7. One Fire Department, 3 stations discussion before TriBoard Meeting
8. Welcome signs progress report
9. Review meeting site
10. Saxtons River group updates• Fire Station and MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)• First Response Rescue• Waste Water Treatment Plant• 37 Main• President update
11. Approve minutes of October 7, 2024
12. Approve warrant of October 21, 2024
13. Other business
14. Items for next meeting
15. Next meeting dates and items: Village meetings 11/4, 11/18. TriBoard10/22 and 11/261
6. Adjourn

Grafton Select Board Meeting: October 21, 2024

1. Call to order
2. Adopt Agenda
3. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting – October 7, 2024
4. Approve Minutes of Special Budget Meeting – October 15, 2024
5. Grafton Outdoor Alliance Update – Meg Gonzalez
6. Highway Report
• Private Underground Power at Pratt Residence on Parker Hill Road
• Fire Pond Mowing
• Other
7. Clerk/Treasurer
• Other
8. Committee reports
• Personnel Committee:
• July 2023 Flood Update:
9. Open Engineering Services for Fire Escape Bids
10. Other Business
11. Public Comment
12. Walker Bridge Informational Meeting – Monday, October 28, 2024, at 6:00 PM
13. Next Regular Meeting – Monday, November 4, 2024, at 6:00 PM
14. Adjourn

Windham Northeast Supervisory Union Board Meeting: October 16th, 2024

1. Call to order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Review and approve minutes from September 18, 2024 (action needed)
6. Reports (informational, no action)
a. Director of Finance
b. Finance Committee
c. Superintendent Report
7. Old Business for Discussion/Action:
a. VSBA Annual Meeting and Resolutions – October resolution
8. New Business for Discussion/Action: (executive session)
a. Policy Review: First Readings
1. Notice of Non-Discrimination
2. Personnel Recruitment, Selection, Appointment and Background Checks
3. Public Complaints About Personnel
4. District Equity Policy
5. Notice of Non-Discrimination
6. Public Participation at Board Meetings
9. Directors’ Comments:
10. Date and time of next meeting: November 20, 2024
11. Adjournment

Town of Brookeline Select Board: October 16th, 2024

6:30 1. Call the meeting to order
A. Introductions
6:32 2. Review / Approve Draft Minutes
A. Special Zoom Meeting minutes of Sept 2, 2024
B. Regular meeting minutes October 3, 2024
6:40 3. Changes to the agenda if any
6:42 4. Members of the Public
A. Scheduled members of the public on their requested topic.
5 minutes each unless otherwise requested/noted
1. Gary Lavorgnia – 10 minutes
B. Unscheduled members of the public on agenda items only.
2 minutes each
6:55 5. Reports and Updates
A. Building Commissioner – B. Mello
Requested 20 minutes to discuss BMH projects
B. Grants – S. Noga
1-Discussion about Grants in Aid Project near 6 Parker Road
2-FEMA extension letter
C. Finance/Budget – M. Desocio
Requested 30 minutes
Discussion about Budget 2025-26 development
Summary about Q1 of 2024-2025 budget
D. Selectboard Chair- D. Maggio
A. Dog bite
B. Building Permits
C. VEM Local Hazard Mitigation survey completed/submitted
E. Highway Supervisor – E. Mark Bills
F Energy Commission Update – S. Zwick
G. Any other discussion as request by a selectboard member not
requiring a vote.
8:25 6. Unfinished Business- Action = Motion/seconded/discussion/vote or table
A. Action: Open & Review bids received re: BMH Painting
B. Action: Open & Review bids received re: BMH water mitigation
C. Action: Open & Review bids received re: BMH Roof work
D. Action: Damage estimate sustained by Paul Madalinski on his
personal car while attempting to get GPS coordinates for a camp
on Greer Road for E911 address.
E. Action: Contract for Stevens & Associates BMH analysis for the
BMH sanctuary floor
F Action: Accept grant money from Preservation Trust of Vermont
towards the structural analysis of the BMH Sanctuary floor.
G. Action: New contract for engineering study on Ellen Ware Road
and Hill Road culverts damaged during the last disaster.
H. Purchase of Cell Phone Signal booster for Highway Supervisor
I Signage for trail entrance indicating no vehicles allowed on
Brookline side.
9:00 7. New Business – Action = Motion/Seconded/discussion/vote or table
A. Action: $1,900.00 bill from Sam Bourne for headwall built on inlet
of a new culvert near 6 Parker Road.
B. Action: Consolidation of town funds currently kept in several
money market accounts into one money market account.
C. New Requests for Proposals – Projects to be advertised
9:10 8. Warrants
A. Payroll Warrant
B. Accounts Payable Warrant
9:15 9. Communications
A. Regular Mail
B. EMail
1. From Michael Leuallen /Builder asking about building permits
necessary for Brookline.
2. From Paul Madalinski-Re: Estimate from Faith Toyota expected
3. From Lee Anne Parker – RE: Submission of CEDS application
4. From Cindi Blondin – Shared w/ listserv re: survey on HUD’s
Support Act re: Vermont’s Opiod death rate and safely housing
individuals in recovery .
9:20 10. Set Agenda for the next meeting – November 6, 2024
9:30 11. Adjourn the meeting


1. Opera House Operations and Budget Update (Charlie Hunter
)2. Walk-Bike Committee Request for Bike Rack Location Update
3. VTRANS Request for Grant of Temporary Rights
4. VOSHA Inspection Informal Settlement Agreement Discussion
5. CEDS Project Submissions
6. BF Train Station a) Pre-development Cost Update b) Purchase Agreement Option Extension c) Lease Agreement d) Updated Project Phases
7. Financials

Athens Grafton School District / WNUESD School Board Meeting: October 10, 2024 - Cancelled

1. Call to Order:
2. Introductions:
3. Adjustments to the agenda:
4. Communications and Public Comments:
5. Review and Approve Minutes from August 8 and September 12, 2024
6. Reports: (informational)
1. Finance Director
2. Principal
7. New Business for Discussion/Action: (action needed)
a. Maintenance of school roadways (possible action)
8. Old/Unfinished Business for Discussion/Action:
1. Update on open Art Position (informational)
2. Discussion/Planning of Community Forum On October 22 at 6:00 pm
9. Directors Comments:
10. Adjournment