Bits & Pieces: Why have men been dropping out of work?

Why have men been dropping out of work?

Bits & Pieces: Who is Guy McPherson?

Are we ready for A.I., are we ready for the Internet?

Bits & Pieces: Vietnams Abadoned POWs Continued

A Continued look at POWs left behind in Vietnam

Bits & Pieces: The Girl from Hanoi Says Good-Bye

Continuing to look at the story of a POW abandoned in Vietnam

Bits & Pieces: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the Military Industrial Complex and the C.I.A.

Bits & Pieces: Memorial Day, part 2

Bill Morse Shines light on the POWs left behind in Vietnam

Bits & Pieces: Memorial Day, part 3

POW escape from Vietnam, Bob Garwood, 1970, 1979

Bits & Pieces: Memorial Day Special: They were expendable.

Bill Morse Shines a Light on POWs left behind in Vietnam,

Bits & Pieces: Memorial day Pt 4

Continuing to look at the story of a POW left behind in Vietnam

Bits & Pieces: Haiti – the fire next door

Bill gives a lesson on the history of Haiti and its current sociopolitical climate

Bits & Pieces: Bill and Fred’s Colombia adventure

Bill and Fred's Colombia adventure

Bits & Pieces: Back to School With Frank McCourt, day 1 and 2

Back to School With Frank McCourt, day 1 and 2

Bits & Pieces: Back to School – the author Frank McCourt on teaching

Back to School - the author Frank McCourt on teaching

Bits & Pieces: One Way to “Level Up”

Was Jesus an honorable Ganster?