The Art of Being Human: Understanding DSM-4

The DSM-4, a crucial tool in mental health, is explored in detail. It's used extensively for…

The Art of Being Human: Understanding Alcoholism and Its Treatment

Alcoholism can result in serious end-stage illnesses requiring medical intervention. It's crucial…

The Art of Being Human: Understanding the Effects of Marijuana and Alcoholism

The talk delves into the impacts of regular marijuana use and alcoholism. It highlights how…

The Art of Being Human: Alcohol Conversation

In this episode Pat is taking a look at the effects of alcohol and other various topics.

Art of Being Human: Upcoming Marijuana Legislation

In this episode Pat is taking a look at upcoming New Hampshire legislation to legalize Marijuana.

The Art of Being Human: Smoking and Young Brains

In this episode Pat is continuing to talk about the connections between addiction, mental illness,…

The Art of Being Human: Effects of Marijuana

In this episode Pat continues her series talking about addiction, and this time is taking a look at…

The Art of Being Human: Pilot

Host Pat Rainey explores what she calls the "Art of Being Human". A long time counselor and…

The Art of Being Human: Reaching Understanding

In this episode Pat delves into the process in which we as humans to try to understand the world…

The Art of Being Human: Handling Addiction

In this episode Pat Rainey continues her discussion on understanding addictions, and recovering…

The Art of Being Human: Understanding Part 2

In this episode Pat continues delving into the manner in which we understand ourselves, and those…