Anena Hanson introduces Matt from the Cheshire County Conservation District, who shares his journey to the Monadnock region. Matt discusses the region's unique ecology, the collaborative conservation efforts, and his role as the Community Engagement Coordinator. He also introduces the Monadnock region gear library, a resource for outdoor recreation, and shares his vision for future conservation, emphasizing community connections.

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Voices of Monadnock: The Hannah Grimes Marketplace

Justin, manager of Hannah Grimes Marketplace on…

Voices of Monadnock: Benefits and Challenges of Small Community Living

The discussion explores the advantages of small…

Voices of Monadnock: A Look at Public Access Television

Time to get local! As in right in the studio…

Voices of Monadnock: Building Inclusive Spaces in Winchester

Welcome back to another episode of voices of…