1. Call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications & Public Comments:
5. Review & Approve board minutes of January 23 (action needed)
6. Reports: (informational)
a. Finance
 YTD update
b. Principal(s)
7. Old Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Audit update (informational)
b. ESSER Project updates (informational)
8. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Report of Academic Progress (discussion)
b. SU Bylaws (action needed)
c. SRES Boiler (possible action)
9. Executive Session
a. Retirement Incentive (anticipated action)
b. Contract Negotiation update (informational)
10. Director’s Comments
11. Date of next meeting:
Reorganizational Meeting, date and time to be determined
12. Adjournment:

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Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: Monday, June 17, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: June 3, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting May 6, 2024

A G E N D A 1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of…