Rockingham Town School District
School Board Meeting
Monday, June 5, 2023 @ 5:30 PM at Bellows Falls Middle School
"All Board meetings will be hybrid, meeting in person and available virtually. Anyone from the public who would
like to participate in the board meeting may do so by going to the WNESU website and following the instructions
for the particular meeting in which they wish to participate".
1. Call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications & Public Comments:
5. Review & Approve board minutes of May 1 and May 12
6. Reports:
a. Finance
b. Principal Reports
7. Unfinished / Old Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Capital Improvements
1. Designs
b. Contract (executive session)
c. Testing Data
8. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Appointment/Resignation, if any
b. Discussion of Tuition Policy
9. Directors comments:
10. Executive Session:
11. Dates of next meeting:
12. Adjournment:

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Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: Monday, June 17, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: June 3, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

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A G E N D A 1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of…