1. Call to order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance:
3. Adjustments to Agenda:
4. Communications & Public Comments:
5. Review & Approve board minutes of September 18, 2023 (action needed)
6. Reports:
a. Finance (informational)
b. Principal Reports (informational)
7. Unfinished / Old Business for Discussion/Action:
a. Update on ESSER Projects including CES Kitchen and roof project(s),
b. Update Capital Improvement
c. Green Space (66 Atkinson Street)
d. Sidewalk discussion (informational)
e. Update on upkeep of buildings (informational and possible action)
8. New Business for Discussion/Action:
a. BFUHS Board Vacancy (informational discussion / possible action)
b. Review and Approve Polices (action needed)
D22 Selection of Library Materials (warned 9/22/23)
D23 Selection of Instructional Materials (warned 9/22/23)
c. BFMS/Cherry Hill Greenspace usage (action needed)
d. Parking at CES (action needed)
e. Property on School Bus Depot Road (informational)
9. Directors comments:
10. Executive Session:
11. Dates of next meeting: October 16, 2023 – Budget
12. Adjournment:

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Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: Monday, June 17, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting: June 3, 2024

1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of Allegiance: 3.…

Rockingham Town School District School Board Meeting May 6, 2024

A G E N D A 1. Call to order: 2. Pledge of…