1. Appointments
a. Tree Warden
b. Animal Control
2. Committee Appointments
Cemetery Sexton
Cemetery Comm.
Conn. River Joint Comm.
Conservation Comm.
Design Review Board
Energy Comm.
E 911 Coordinator
Emergency Management Director
Fire Equipment Comm.
GFR Chamber of Commerce
Green up Chair
Personnel rules Comm.
Planning Comm.
Recreation Comm.
Revolving Loan Fund Comm.
Historic Preservation Comm.
Review Comm. Senior Center
Town Service Officer
Tax Stabilization Comm.
Walk-Bike Comm.
Windham Regional Commission
3. Designate Paper of Record for Legal
1. Waypoint Center Use Application (Senior Solutions Council on Aging)
and request for fee reduction
2. Waypoint Center Use Application (Vermont Arts Council)
3. Review Comments for FERC Re-licensing BF Hydro Project #1855
4. Adopt Town Highway Annual Financial Plan and Certificate of
Compliance for Town Road and Bridge Standards
5. Award Bid for 2024 Paving
6. Award Bid for Saxtons River Sidewalks
7. Award Bid for Cemetery Maintenance
8. Adopt Notice and Warning for Special Town Meeting
9. Real Estate Purchase Option Agreement and land lease for BF Train Station
10. Review Updated Rules of Procedure for Select Board Meetings
11. BF Bike Revolving Loan Fund recommendation for action
12. HPC Sole Source

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