1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items to be ratified at a later meeting)
3. Public comment
4. Treasurer update
• Fire feasibility study payment
5. Green Lantern Solar update
6. PACIF (insurance) coverage update
7. Town Development Review Board Hearings
8. ARPA• Projects update
• Waste Water Treatment Plant requests
9. Committee reports and updates
• Waste Water Treatment Plant: SCADA upgrade
• MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)
• Fire station
• 37 Main Street
10. Approve minutes of October 2, 202311. Approve warrant
12. Other business
13. Topics for next meeting
14. Adjourn

Windham County Sheriff Report September 2023
Tickets issued: 2
Warnings Issued: 2
Arrests: 0

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