1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items ratified at a later meeting)
3. Public comment
4. Treasurer update, fire department funds
5. Request to expand sewer district
6. Set the sewer fee rate and due date
7. Update on solar issues
8. ARPA schedule review
9. Payment source for Fire Department feasibility study
10. Committee update
• MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)
• Fire station• Waste Water Treatment Plant
• 37 Main Street
11. Approve minutes of August 7, 2023
12. Approve warrant
13. Other business
14. Next meetings and topics: September dates, ARPA
15. Adjourn
August reports, medical and rescue
Saxtons River Fire / Saxtons River First Response Rescue August Call Volume.
2 Fire calls, one for an automatic fire alarm and one for a problem with a stove

8 Medical calls, one of which was an Advanced Life Support assist out of the village.

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