1. Call to order
2. Adjustments to agenda (new items ratified at a later meeting)
3. Public comment
4. Treasurer update
5. President update
6. Welcome signs for Saxtons River
7. Sale of Rescue truck chassis
8. Triton Report
9. ARPA update Review FY 2024 Subrecipient Report.
Review motions for ARPA reportsubmitted 4/2024. Suggested motions for the ARPA funds in report:• Combine Fire Equipment and Fire and Rescue as one project and budget• Correct Mold Remediation Project obligation to the original trustee motion, $980• Change the obligated amount for the Saxtons River Recreation Area project from$35,094.38 to $34,666.38.10. Rec Area Committeea. Review and vote on Rec Area Guidelines for Useb. Review and vote on account privileges at LaValley Building Supply, Walpole NH11. Park Committee expenditure of $700 for three music events, ask for review and vote12. Grants for hazard mitigation and water infrastructure: review for action13. Saxtons River group updates• Rec Area• MERP (Municipal Energy Resilience Program)• Fire station• Waste Water Treatment Plant Approve variable speed drive payment $3298• 37 Main MSA and BFADC movement towards housing• TriBoard meeting agenda14. Approve minutes of July meeting, 202415. Approve warrant of August 5, 202416. Other business17. Next meeting dates and items: August 5, September 9. September 24 (TriBoard)18. Adjourn

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