ARTICLE 1: To elect Village officers, as required by law. (By Australian ballot)
ARTICLE 2: To receive and act upon the reports of the Village Officers for the past year.
ARTICLE 3: To see if the voters of the Bellows Falls Village Corporation will vote to authorize its Treasurer, with the approval of the Trustees, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of tax collection or payment of money due the Village from the State of Vermont or the Federal Government.
ARTICLE 4: Shall the voters of the Bellows Falls Village Corporation raise and appropriate money to pay the indebtedness of the Village, and pay all other general and regular expenses of the Village beginning July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in the amount of One Million Six Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred Thirty ­Six Dollars ($1,668,636) with the amount of One-Million Six Hundred Twenty­One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-Five Dollars ($1,621,935} to be raised by taxes?
ARTICLE 5: Shall the voters of the Village of Bellows Falls authorize the Trustee's to borrow an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($650,000) for a period of up to thirty (30) years to fund the Village portion of the replacement of the Kissell Hill Water Line, with the debt to be paid by the utility customers in the water rate for Kissell Hill?
ARTICLE 6: To transact any other business deemed proper when not involving the expenditure of Village funds or any other business acted upon in the preceding articles.

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