Call to Order
Approve Minutes of April 18, 2024, May 14, 2024
Additions to the Agenda for Routine Administrative Matters and/or Pressing Matters that will require
ratification at a future meeting.
Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda (3 minutes per person)
Manager’s Report
1. Organizational Meeting
a. Set time and place for Regular Board Meetings and Summer Schedule
b. Select Official Newspaper of Record
c. Adopt Conflict of Interest, Code of Ethics and all other adopted policies and procedures
d. Appoint Trustee to Review and Sign Warrants
2. Application for use of public space (non-vendor)
3. Approve contract for audit services
4. Request for contract modification (DN Tanks) for SolarBee mixer

Review Agenda Items for Next Meeting – June 18, 2024
Review Agenda Items Joint Board Meeting – June 25, 2024
Review & Approve Orders, Bills & Warrants
Other Business
Executive Session - (requested)

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